This particular blog is just my curiosity on the subject . Inspired to think of it , after reading one of my friend's blog .
Loads of things have been written on men and women .Thier differences, likes and dislikes .
Back in the school days , we used to have a PT period(Physical Training). All of us would be waiting for the bell to ring and experience 45 mins of non-stop excitement. In our case , it used to be football and i got to admit , was not very good at it . I guess girls looked forward to this 45 mins as well .But for some strange reason, they rarely put thier foot on the field or do anything remotely related to physical. Yes their were exceptions , and I found it easier to accept them as normal human beings . We were fortunate for our school to be in a middle of a forest and it suited girls ,who would sit under the trees and gossip ( am guessing) .
i found it quite hard to understand why ladies take so much time , to make themselves presentable .Got to give it to them for being so patient in this aspect . Maybe part of the blame is to do with guys . Maybe we cant stand looking at them , if they arent !!
Obviously there are many cons to men as well .But am in no mood to write about it . :)